Monday, May 23, 2011

What You Want Is Not Enough

Upon further examination of two relationships in Lolita, I find a striking similarity between the relationships of Humbert and Lolita, and Quilty and Lolita. First off, as we all know Humbert is mesmerized by Lolita's every move and fantasizes about the various things he would do to her. However, because the story is a first person narrative from Humbert, we never see inside of Lolita's mind. When I closely examine Lolita's mindset, I believe that Humbert's obsession for Lolita is equivalent to the obsession that Lolita has for Quilty. Lolita is scared of Humbert finding out that she wants to be with Quilty just as Humbert is scared of Charlotte finding out his true love for Lolita. Both Lolita and Humbert abuse sex in order to get an unfair advantage on the other person. Humbert has sex with Charlotte and even gets her pregnant. Because of the pregnancy, it assures Humbert that he will forever be around the family now that he has a true blood relative on the way. Humbert's pedophilic actions are all because he wants to be around Lolita. Humbert plays Charlotte just like Lolita plays Humbert because she uses him to gain enough money to run away and support herself. She knew all along that her heart was with Quilty and she runs away with him to find that her love was not real. This resembles Humbert eventually having sexual relations with Lolita, only to find out that he now has to worry about being exposed as a pedophile instead of enjoying his life with Lolita.


  1. That is a good point you bring up, Kyle. I had not even thought to compare the two relationships. I, too, believe that these relationships are strikingly similar. I also think that Humbert was proud to be an almost father, just as Lolita is proud to be a expecting mother. Humbert and Charlotte's child does bring about a blood relative to Humbert, getting even closer with his new family. As does Lolita and Quilty's child. And just as Humbert was proud to have been a father to his child, and Lolita, I believe that he is thrilled to be a grandfather to Lolita's child. However, if the reader takes Lolita's side, should they fear that Humbert will try his pedophilic ways with his grandchild? Have you ever thought that maybe Lolita is trying to create compitition between she and Humbert?

  2. I agree with you Cassie, because Humbert is unable to control himself around children. He shows on numerous occasions that he obsesses over children. He even goes to the point of being excited at being able to see the playground of Lolita's school because not only can he see Lolita, but also can see the other nymphets running around. For this reason, Humbert would not make a stable father plus he will be spending the rest of his life in prison most likely after committing murder. Also in the case of Humbert being a grandfather, I believe he has embraced the role. Even though he will be the grandfather (metaphorically speaking) he has embraced the role instead of a sexual role with Lolita. Instead of wishing for sexual favors from Lolita, Humbert is willing to give Lolita 4,000 dollars just because he has matured thanks to Lolita. Without Lolita making an impact on his life, Humbert would be forever stuck trying to satisfy his need to replace Annabel.
