Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fake love

While I am reading Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, I realized that this book contains the fake love of people. Some characters in Lolita, such as Humbert Humbert, Dolores Haze, Charlotte Haze and even Jean Farlow show fake love in the story. Humbert Humbert does not love Lolita. He obsesses with her, not love her. Also when he married to Valeria and Dolores Haze, he did not love both of them at all. He married to Valeria to cure himself of his addiction to nymphets, and he married to Charlotte Haze to stay with Lolita. Humbert’s only lover Dolores Haze shows fake love as well. Even though Dolores once loved Humbert, as the novel ends, she becomes a faker. She needs Humbert, not because she loves him, but because she has no one besides him. Charlotte Haze loves Humbert, but in the book, it seems as obsession like Humbert’s obsession toward Lolita. Lastly, Jean Farlow kissed Humbert after the death of Charlotte. She confessed secret love toward Humbert, even though she already married.

Even though Vanity Fair stated that the Lolita is the only convincing love story of our century , throughout the book, it clearly shows the fake love of people. So I doubt that this is the only convincing love story of our century.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with you. I can see why Vanity Fair state that "Lolita" is the only convincing love story of our century. Throughout most of the book it seemed to me that Humbert was more infatuated with Lolita than he was actually in love with her. I thought that Humbert was infatuated with Lolita because she was a Nymphet that was very similar looking to his first real love, Annabel. Until the end of the novel i thought that Humbert had an infatuation with Lolita because he was able to fulfill the sexual desires that he had for Annabel with her. At the end of the novel, however my opinion changed. At the end of the book when Humbert sees Lolita again, after she is married with a kid, she is no longer a nymphet. Although Lolita was no longer a nymphet at the end of the book, Humbert still had the same feelings he had for her when she was younger. The fact that Humbert does not kill Lolita, or Lolita's husband at the end of the book shows his true love for her. I think the fact that he looks after her happiness at the end of the novel is proof that this is the most convincing love story of our century.
