Thursday, May 5, 2011

Humbert's Need For Charlotte

Why is it difficult for Humbert to kill Charlotte? It is possible that Humbert really does care about Charlotte. Humbert imagines killing Charlotte, but every time it seems he was going to kill her he would say, “Simple, was it not? But what d’ye know folks- I just could not make myself do it” (Nabokov 87). It is also possible that Humbert can not kill her because of his plan to have children with her and treat those children like he treats Lolita so that when Lolita grows up, he will always have a “Lolita.” If he kills Charlotte, Lolita will eventually grow up and Humbert would have to find a new family to be able to find a new “Lolita.” Also, Charlotte and Humbert seem like a happily married couple. He could have really loved her, but is a sick and confused man thinking he loves Lolita. When he was young he loved a girl named Annabel, but she died. He misses Annabel, which explains why he likes younger children. Humbert also can not kill Charlotte because he knows it would hurt Lolita. Humbert wanted to kill his ex-wife Valeria, but he never got the chance because he had been never alone with her again. It seems he was certain he would have killed her if he was given the chance. It is possible, like Charlotte, he would not have been able to kill Valeria. Maybe he would have been able to kill Valeria because she cheated on him. Charlotte did not cheat on him, but loved Humbert very much.

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