Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Raising The Youth Wrong.

After reading the controversial novel, Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov, it led me to think about how society has a big impact on our youth. It also led me to question how today’s children are being raised. Lolita, or Dolores Haze, is an interesting child for her age. Lolita appears to be stubborn, self-centered, and promiscuous. Many feel no sympathy for Lolita, but who is really to blame? Lolita was raised in a household where she did not have a parental figure to guide her. Lolita’s mother, Charlotte, treats Lolita with disrespect. Lolita’s stubbornness may be caused by the bad example of Charlotte. Lolita also does not seem to have a father figure, except for Humbert. Humbert may be Lolita’s stepfather, but he is not a father figure to her. Being that Lolita and Humbert are sexually involved, Lolita’s innocence has been lost. Humbert says, “...nothing could make my Lolita forget the foul lust I had inflicted upon her” (Nabokov 283). Humbert admits he has taken away Lolita’s innocence. Humbert has corrupted Lolita and has too, led her by bad example.

Parents have a big impact on the way children are raised. Parents are the ones that instill morals and beliefs on their children. If parents do not lead their children by good examples, then who will? It is certain that society will not help to raise a child in the right direction. In today’s society, the youth is lured into unimportant notions brought on by the media. Our tragic flaw in society is that people make decisions without thinking about their actions. It is up to our parents to teach the youth about good morals and values that will raise the youth in the right path. And so I question, are parents raising their children wrong?

1 comment:

  1. Carissa, you have brought up a great topic. Since Lolita does not actually have a father to go to, she is left to be attracted to one man in her life, Humbert Humbert. This attraction is no where near a normal father daughter relationship. Both characters have unique characteristics to bring onto this relationship. Lolita did lose her innocence, I agree. But her innocence was lost before she had met Humbert Humbert. Her mother, Charlotte, has also been an impact for Lolita. The way Lolita is now, is the result of how she was raised. She is young and at the age where she may be easily influenced.

    Parents do have to help their children grow in the right direction. They are the only ones who are there for their children, at first. If parents do not help "instill morals and beliefs" then there is no one else to go to but other people. These other people may not be close to the child which will affect the child either positively or negatively. But overall, parents should be teaching their children right from wrong. If there is a single parent, that should not matter. If parents cannot do what they are supposed to do, then they should not have children in the first place.
