Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Body Language

Once I have finished reading the book, Lolita, I realized that there is much body language throughout that goes on. The way each character reacts to specific actions should be looked at carefully. One example is when Lolita and Humbert Humbert are alone in the house. Lolita may or may not be intentionally putting her legs on top of Humbert Humbert, but Humbert Humbert is instantly changed. He views her body language to be a fascinating part of Lolita. With this body language, Humbert Humbert responds in his own body language. He moves around and realizes he has pleased himself without making her know. "I has stolen the honey of a spasm without impairing the morals of a minor. Absolutely no harm done" (Nabokov 62).

During the ending of Lolita, Humbert Humbert finds Clare Quilty and seeks revenge. Clare shows how nervous he is when Humbert Humbert finds him and begins to talk to him. Humbert Humbert watched Clare trying to change the subject about Lolita. Clare tries to make Humbert Humbert think of something else while Clare tries to find something. "He turned his head away, looking for something. He beat his pockets. He attempted to rise from his seat" (Nabokov 296). Clare's body language proves that he is trying to avoid the situation by bringing up different topics for their conversation. Clare tries to ignore what Humbert Humbert is trying to talk about. Clare attempt to move on from the topic and fidgets. Reading through this final chapter, one will find many signs of nervous body language with Clare. However, Humbert Humbert's body language seems to be a strong and powerful force he uses against society. This means he can usually hide his love for Lolita in public.

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