Thursday, April 14, 2011

Maturity Over Time?

After finishing Persepolis, I do not believe that Marjane matured as the story progressed. In the beginning of the novel, I believed that Marjane was a highly intelligent child who could develop into an intellectual adult. Upon leaving Iran for the first time, Marjane showed her immaturity. By making poor decisions on boyfriends, and not being able to last in Europe, in a life of "luxury"Marjane proves she was more mature as a child. Without the guidance of her family, and most importantly her grandma, Marjane is lost.
The most obvious immature decision made by Marjane was to proceed in marrying Reza. Because she has doubt in their relationship, this should be a hint not to marry him. Because nobody flat out told her not to marry Reza, she makes an immature decision and decides to spend the rest of her life with a man she has only known for two years. Also, she does not know enough about Reza, for they are forbidden to be together in public, and when they do spend time together it is on the others' couch. Because of Marjane's numerous poor decisions in Persepolis II, I believe that as a child Marjane was more mature in her decision making process than she is now as a married adult.


  1. It is true that Marjane was very mature children in Persepolis 1. She was interested in the war more than anyone. She was daring and brave. She even argued about the war strongly and certainly in her age. However, I think that she could be mature or seemed intelligent, because she was a child who does not have deep feeling. In the process of being adult, I believe that mistakes are one of important lessons that lead people to develop. No one can be perfect. Even though Marjane was a mature child, as she grew up, she saw and experienced a lot of events such as execution of her uncle and war in her country. These events made Marjane to think deeply and to have more feelings. So before she made decisions, she might be confused because of her mixed feelings and thoughts. These can lead her to make an immature decision. Marjane was lost, not only because of her family, but also because of her mixed feelings that are impossible to control by herself. When she leaves the country at the end of the book, I believe Marjane learned enough lessons to be an adult, through her mistakes in her life.

  2. I agree with Kyle. Throughout the first book I thought Marjane was really mature because of her knowledge about the revolution and her desire to participate in the demonstrations. My opinion on Marjane's maturity changed during the second book. When Marjane was by herself she made dumb decisions, and I think that instead of learning from the mistakes that she had made she let the mistakes pull her down even more. Marjane’s immaturity was truly shown through her lack of individuality. While in Europe, Marjane made decisions that would make her fit in
    with her peers. Those decisions made Marjane forget who she was.

    I also agree that Marjane proved her immaturity when she got married to Reza. I know that it was hard for her to get to know Reza out of wedlock because of the laws in Iran, but marriage is supposed to be for love not to get to know your partner. I feel that Marjane rushed into her relationship with Reza because he was the first person to show her love after her heartbreak in Europe. Instead of becoming more mature as the book progressed I think marjane lost her maturity.

  3. I agree with you Kyle. I think that Marjane was not only more mature as a child but also wiser. I feel that being mature and wise are two different things. Anyone can act mature but for one to be wise means they must have knowledge and be understanding of the world around them. Marji at often times educated herself in subjects she was no familiar about or wanted to learn about. She did not let herself become uneducated or become distant in any world affairs. She tried to learn about the revolution as a young girl by listening to the news and asking questions. I feel that Marji was more wise and knowledgeable than mature.
