Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is it Real Love?

In the beginning of Act 4, it is revealed that both Goneril and Regan are in love with the same man. Although both of the women’s love is boldly professed for Edmund, I wonder if they both sincerely love him the way they proclaim to. Both women have been recently detached from their spouses. Regan is now a widow after the murder of her husband Cornwall, and Goneril’s husband Albany wants nothing to do with her in spite of her crude and evil behavior. This ultimately leads me to believe that Edmund is only being used by both Goneril and Regan.

Goneril speaks awfully of her current husband. She states to Edmund, “Oh, the difference of man and man! To thee a woman’s services are due. My fool usurps my body” (Shakespeare 179). This statement not only indicates how much Goneril proclaims to love Edmund, but also how disgusted she is by Albany, and his incapability of ever comparing to Edmund. Goneril and Regan’s desire for power and authority continues to influence their behavior, which causes them to always want superiority over one other. So I ask myself, Is it true that both of these women possess as strong of a love as they claim for Edmund? Or is it simply to acquire a partner in their lives because the other sister doesn’t?

1 comment:

  1. I, too, wonder if the two sisters are really in love with Edmund or if they just feel as if they need to have a connection with someone since they have both lost their husbands. Perhaps Goneril is jealous of Regan's newly single lifestyle and feels threatened by her, causing her to desire the love of a new person in her life. I also believe that Goneril does not want to have a connection with her husband because he sees how evil she can be. I agree with your statement that maybe Edmund is only being used by the two sisters. In fact, maybe neither Goneril or Regan are mentally or physically attracted to him and feel as if they just want to be with him because the other sister does as well.
