Wednesday, March 30, 2011

He That Increaseth Knowledge Increaseth Sorrow

Beckett's Endgame deals mainly with the interactions between Clov and Hamm. These two characters hold a large amount of distaste for one another. That being said, it is curious as to why Clov decides to deal with Hamm even though they cannot stand one another. What stood out to me while I was reading Endgame was when Clov said to Hamm, "There's one thing I'll never understand. Why I always obey you." (Beckett 52). I also wondered why Clov chooses to obey the commands of someone who makes him feel miserable. Clov always talks about how he will leave, and that if he had the chance, he would kill Hamm. But would Clov really go through with his actions? It is revealed to the audience that the reason that Clov doesn't kill Hamm is that Clov does not have the combination to the cabinet with the poison. However, when you think about it, could Clov have found another way of killing Hamm? Also, even if Hamm is not dead, Clov has the ability to leave the house whenever he chooses. Yet he chooses not to. Why?

I believe that Clov does not leave from fear of the outside world. Yes, Clov hates having to care for Hamm everyday and dealing with the same miserable routine, but it is the only thing he knows. In order to save himself from his personal hell, he must break away from the routine and make a change. I feel that the fear of what change will bring him is what prevents Clov from finding his freedom. Is change as scary as one makes it out to be, or is the fear of what change may bring what is truly frightening? There is also a level of ignorance that affects Clov and Hamm’s situation. The few facts that are revealed about the outside world are that it is gray and there is really nothing left. With that information, is it better for Clov to live in ignorance of the outside world? Is the knowledge of the real world worth the sorrow it may bring him?

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