Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love Without Lovers

According to Jean Reynolds, the central focus of Pygmalion is not the romance between Eliza and Higgins; rather, the main theme of the play is the power of language. While phonetics and language surround the major events, I disagree with Reynolds. What is unsaid ultimately causes Eliza to leave Higgins, not her speech transformation.
After months of bullying from Higgins, Eliza feels neglected and unwanted. She decides to leave. She proclaims, “I wont care for anyone who doesn't care for me” (1009). However, Higgins does care for her. By searching for Eliza after she runs away, Higgins proves his compassion. Despite these efforts, Eliza does not realize Higgins’s regard towards her because he does not communicate his feelings.
Higgins lack of kind words causes Eliza to confide in Freddy, who openly expresses his romantic feelings. Freddy tells her, “…you are the loveliest, dearest” (998). Instead of choosing Higgins, Eliza runs away with Freddy due to his kindness. In her defense, Eliza states, “maybe he‘d make me happier than my betters that bully me” (1010).
Ultimately, this fate could have been avoided if Higgins did not verbally neglect Eliza. Although Higgins speaks what is on his mind through sarcasm, he lacks the courage to speak what is within his heart through kind words.

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